Supporting Student Mental Health

Essentials for Teachers

By Michael Hass and Amy Ardell (Routledge, 2022)

S.O.S. (A Summary of the Summary)

The main ideas of the book:

  • A significant number of children and youth suffer from mental health challenges, and many don’t receive needed treatment. Teachers can play an important and sometimes life-saving role as “gateway” providers of mental health care.
  • With some basic training in their role on the mental health front lines, teachers can learn to recognize possible mental health needs, respond to students in need, and refer those students to helpful resources.

Why I chose this book:

Mental health needs in kids are skyrocketing. I hear it from my colleagues and friends working in schools (including my guidance counselor husband!), and it’s documented by organizations like the CDC and Mental Health America. At the same time, there’s a national shortage of mental healthcare providers. More than ever before, teachers are finding themselves acting as de facto counselors, sometimes with little training or preparation.

This book steps into that gap, providing the basic information and guidance a teacher needs. It will enable all educators recognize, respond to, and sometimes refer for help, the students who show up to school with mental health needs. I hope you and those you share it with let out a collective sigh of relief. Finally, we know what we can do when troubled students need our help!

The Scoop (In this summary you will learn…)

  •   Three common categories of mental health problems and how to recognize them
  •   Six questions to ask yourself to help process and communicate your concerns
  •   How to prepare for, conduct, and conclude a supportive conversation with a student
  •   When and how to provide Psychological First Aid (PFA) to students in crisis
  •   The safest and most effective methods for responding to students at risk of suicide
  •   Where and when to refer students and families for help from other professionals or organizations
  •   The Main Idea’s PD suggestions for learning to support student mental health
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